Breathing-based meditation practices may be particularly beneficial for PTSD given that it is a stress disorder characterized by hyperarousal, autonomic dysfunction, negative affect, and difficulties with emotion regulation (American Psychiatric Association,2013; Sack, Hopper, & Lamprecht, 2004). Respiration and emotion are tightly coupled processes with bidirectional influence and breathing interventions have boosted emotion regulatory processes in healthy populations. They have also normalized parasympathetic activity in anxious populations not suffering from PTSD and in healthy populations with experimentally induced anxiety.
more=> PTSD Decreases with Meditation

Overcome Imposter Syndrome: 7 Strategies for Authentic Confidence

Overcome Imposter Syndrome: 7 Strategies for Authentic Confidence

One of the keys to overcoming imposter syndrome is to embrace vulnerability and authenticity. Instead of trying to project an image of perfection, be honest about your struggles and uncertainties.

Share your imposter syndrome experiences with trusted colleagues or mentors. Chances are, they’ll be able to relate and offer valuable insights and support. Vulnerability can also help you build deeper, more meaningful connections with others.

Unlock Your Intuition: 4 Exercises to Develop Your Sixth Sense

Unlock Your Intuition: 4 Exercises to Develop Your Sixth Sense

1. Improved Decision-Making: Intuition can provide valuable insights and guidance when it comes to making important decisions. By tuning into your inner wisdom, you can often make more informed choices that align with your true values and goals.

2. Enhanced Creativity and Problem-Solving: Intuition can unlock new perspectives and innovative solutions, helping you approach challenges with a fresh, creative mindset.

3. Deeper Self-Awareness: As you learn to listen to your intuitive voice, you’ll gain a better understanding of your own thoughts, feelings, and motivations, leading to greater self-awareness and personal growth.

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