Adversity happens to everyone.  Some experience loss from the death of a loved one, a breakup, war, disease, trauma, job loss, betrayals.  Some people have these moments become life changing in a way that results in despair, depression and suicide.  Others, those with rockstar resilience bounce back better than ever.  That which does  not kill them, makes them stronger.

Drs. Steven Southwick and Dennis Charney have been studying the effects of trauma on resilience for nearly 20 years.

They have questioned why some survivors can overcome extreme adversity and go on to have purposeful lives and posttraumatic growth, while others don’t.

While gathering information for their book Resilience: The Science of Mastering Life’s Greatest Challenges, they worked with people who have endured, survived, and thrived in spite of extreme stress, such as those in the US Army Special Forces and prisoners of war.

1. Optimistic, but balanced with realism.

2. Face rather than ignore fears.

3. Strong sense of right and wrong.  

4. Participate in a spiritual practice or group with strong beliefs.

5. Have a social support system to give and receive from others.

6. Have resilient role models who they emulate.

7. Make physical fitness a priority.

8. Keep their minds fit by engaging in lifelong learning.

9. Stay mentally flexible with a good sense of humour.

10.  They have a calling, mission, or purpose in life.

You don't need a crises to be the catalyst to further develop your personal growth and resilience.  We can adopt some of these traits before adversity occurs so that which doesn't kill us, makes us stronger!

What Are PTSD Symptoms in Women?

What Are PTSD Symptoms in Women?

Women are more likely to experience high-impact trauma such as sexual assault, abuse, bullying, harassment, and violence.
– Traumatic events like sexual violence, physical assault, accidents, natural disasters, traumatic childbirth, and loss of a loved one can trigger PTSD in women.

How to Cure PTSD Four Times in 5 Hours with Memory Reconsolidation Therapy

How to Cure PTSD Four Times in 5 Hours with Memory Reconsolidation Therapy

The client presented in this case study illustrated successful PTSD treatment using a novel, brief intervention requiring fewer than 5 hours of treatment. Using diagnostic criteria for Military trauma (PCL-M ≥ 50) his intake score was 73 and no longer met criteria for PTSD diagnosis following RTM. These gains were maintained, as reported above, at one-year posttreatment.

How PTSD Can Impact Women

How PTSD Can Impact Women

The greatest beneficial results for women with PTSD is from a study on military women that had experienced PTSD from battle and military sexual trauma. What worked for them is a non-drug intervention that is effective by using a mental training strategy that focuses on erasing the emotional content of the memory. The conclusion of that study had impressive results – ‘RTM (Reconsolidation of Traumatic Memories) eliminated intrusive symptoms and significantly decreased symptom scale ratings in 90%’.

What’s the Best Way to Write a Breakup Letter?

What’s the Best Way to Write a Breakup Letter?

Remember that a breakup letter should be a last resort and that face-to-face communication is usually the best approach. If safety is a concern or if face-to-face communication is not possible, a well-crafted letter can provide the necessary closure.

Common Mistakes People Make After a Breakup

Common Mistakes People Make After a Breakup

After a breakup, some individuals may engage in excessive posting on social media, particularly selfies, in an attempt to show their ex what they’re missing out on. However, this behavior can be a sign of seeking validation and may not contribute to genuine healing

How to Heal and Open Your Heart After a Breakup

How to Heal and Open Your Heart After a Breakup

Opening up your heart again after a breakup can be scary, but it’s important to remember that love is worth the risk. Start by focusing on building strong friendships and connections with others. When you’re ready, consider dating again. Take things slow and don’t be afraid to be vulnerable.

Healing after a breakup takes time, but it’s possible. By acknowledging your feelings, taking care of yourself, learning from the experience, and opening up your heart again, you can move on and find love again. Remember, you are worthy of love and happiness.

Habit Stacking Examples to Get Over a Breakup

Habit Stacking Examples to Get Over a Breakup

Habit stacking can be a powerful tool to help someone recover from setbacks like breakups. The key is to incorporate positive habits into their daily routine to support emotional healing and personal growth. Here’s an example of how someone can use habit stacking in the context of a breakup recovery plan

Reclaiming Your Life: 11 Essential Steps to Thrive After a Long Marriage Ends

Reclaiming Your Life: 11 Essential Steps to Thrive After a Long Marriage Ends

In this post, we list the process of getting over a divorce after a long marriage, offering practical advice and emotional support for those who find themselves at this crossroads. We understand that no two divorces are alike, and each journey is deeply personal. However, by sharing insights, strategies, and tips, we aim to provide a roadmap that can help you navigate this challenging transition more smoothly.

11 Weird Phobias You’ve Probably Never Heard Of.

11 Weird Phobias You’ve Probably Never Heard Of.

Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobi: This phobia is the fear of long words. Ironically, the term for this phobia is exceptionally long, making it a bit of a cruel joke for those who have it.

2. Pogonophobia: This is the fear of beards. People with this phobia may feel uncomfortable or anxious around individuals with facial hair, which can be quite challenging in a world where beards are trendy.

3. Arachibutyrophobia: This unusual phobia is the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth. It’s a very specific and rarely encountered phobia.

How Long to Get Over a Breakup?

How Long to Get Over a Breakup?

Unresolved emotions and the lack of closure from a breakup can significantly extend the healing period. Closure can be elusive, especially when one party feels wronged or misunderstood.

a. Unfinished Business: When there are lingering questions, unspoken feelings, or unresolved conflicts, individuals may struggle to move on. They may find themselves revisiting these issues repeatedly, impeding the healing process.

12 Mental Toughness Books for a Resilient Mindset

12 Mental Toughness Books for a Resilient Mindset

. “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” by Carol S. Dweck – Carol Dweck’s influential book examines the concept of mindset and how it profoundly influences our lives. She introduces the idea of a growth mindset, which is the belief that abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work, and explains how cultivating this mindset can lead to greater mental toughness and success.

3. “The Obstacle Is the Way: The Timeless Art of Turning Trials into Triumph” by Ryan Holiday – Holiday draws inspiration from Stoic philosophy and provides a guide on how to navigate challenges and adversity with a resilient mindset. He emphasizes the importance of embracing obstacles as opportunities for personal growth and transformation.

4. “Resilience: Hard-Won Wisdom for Living a Better Life” by Eric Greitens – Eric Greitens, a former Navy SEAL, shares his experiences and the valuable lessons he learned about resilience and mental toughness. Through personal anecdotes and insights, he provides a roadmap for developing inner strength.

Best Self-Improvement Books for Positive Transformation

Best Self-Improvement Books for Positive Transformation

“Atomic Habits” by James Clear – Clear’s book delves into the science of habit formation and offers actionable strategies for building positive habits and breaking destructive ones. It emphasizes small changes that can lead to significant improvements over time.

“The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle – Tolle’s spiritual classic emphasizes the importance of living in the present moment to achieve inner peace and enlightenment. It offers practical guidance for mindfulness and awakening.

“Man’s Search for Meaning” by Viktor E. Frankl – Based on his experiences in Nazi concentration camps, Frankl explores the human pursuit of meaning in the face of suffering. It offers profound insights into resilience and the human spirit.

“The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck” by Mark Manson – Manson challenges conventional self-help advice and encourages readers to focus on what truly matters. It’s a raw and humorous take on personal growth and embracing life’s challenges.

Unlocking the Extraordinary: The David Goggins Mindset

Unlocking the Extraordinary: The David Goggins Mindset

David Goggins’ mindset is a force of nature, defined by unwavering determination and an unrelenting pursuit of excellence. He embodies the belief that the human spirit can conquer any obstacle, no matter how daunting. Goggins’ mindset is rooted in the acceptance of suffering as a catalyst for growth. He lives by the “40% rule,” pushing himself far beyond what most consider their limits. His journey from a challenging upbringing to becoming a Navy SEAL and ultra-endurance athlete exemplifies his resilience. Goggins’ mindset is about embracing discomfort, maintaining authenticity, and holding oneself accountable. Through his motivational speaking and storytelling, he inspires millions to tap into their inner strength and rewrite their own narratives. In a world often defined by excuses, Goggins’ mindset reminds us that greatness lies in pushing beyond our comfort zones and embracing the challenges that life presents.

Why Do I Still Think About My Ex After 10 Years?

Why Do I Still Think About My Ex After 10 Years?

The application of this mechanism is highly therapeutic for treating people that have PTSD flashbacks. If you haven’t seen the television news footage below about the veterans that updated their memories, the summary is that the veterans would have problems about intrusive thoughts of an emotionally significant event, (much like you occasionally have pop up thoughts of your ex) and that they were cleared of those problem memories using a step by step protocol.

Recollecting Awkward Moments: How to Forget Bad Memories, Move On and Foster Growth

Recollecting Awkward Moments: How to Forget Bad Memories, Move On and Foster Growth

The American Psychological Association outlines trauma as an emotional and sometimes physical response to deeply distressing occurrences, spanning from assaults to natural disasters. Even less severe incidents like public stumbles or academic failures leave us with unpleasant feelings that reverberate when we reflect upon them.
However, a traumatic response can make it seem like we’re perpetually immersed in the past, reliving the event with undiminished intensity.

Memory Reconsolidation Therapy

Memory Reconsolidation Therapy

Memory reconsolidation is a mechanism in the brain responsible for modifying, editing, amending and erasing memories.
This feature of the brain has been found in crabs, nematodes, sea slugs, Medaka fish, mice, rats and humans.

The reconsolidation of memories is a relatively new discovery in neuroscience and the last 15 years has finally seen an uptick in research on this fascinating topic.  For over a century it was believed that long-term memories are stable and permanent. This could be a huge problem for someone that has been on the receiving end of a traumatic one-shot learning experience because that phobic response might become a permanent feature in a person’s life. 

Overview on How to get Over Stuff Faster with excerpts from ‘How to Get Over Your Ex in 5 Hours’

Overview on How to get Over Stuff Faster with excerpts from ‘How to Get Over Your Ex in 5 Hours’

Learn how to get over heartbreaks and problem memories resolved to improve your well-being and get over a breakup fast. This memory rewriting process takes about five hours for the unlearning and updating of a memory and this process is what will help you get over your ex the fastest.The emotional memories regarding your ex is the target that we are seeking to have neutralized. After reconsolidating the problem memories of your ex, you will still remember them, but you’ll feel differently about them.

How Can a Breakup Lead to PTSD?

How Can a Breakup Lead to PTSD?

Breakups can evoke a wide range of intense emotions, including sadness, anger, fear, and betrayal. The dissolution of a romantic relationship often disrupts one’s sense of stability, security, and future plans. The emotional attachment and bond built with a partner can make the loss particularly distressing, leading to a profound sense of grief and heartbreak.

How to Get Over a Breakup with Hypnosis

How to Get Over a Breakup with Hypnosis

Getting over a breakup with your ex can be difficult and time consuming but it doesn’t have to be this way. People can get over a breakup with less frustration by relaxing and allowing their subconscious mind to do the work of detaching from your ex. Hypnosis can help you with this process of getting over a breakup.

How to Develop an Anti-Fragile Mindset

How to Develop an Anti-Fragile Mindset

An anti-fragile mindset is one that is not just resilient but is also adaptable and able to grow stronger when faced with adversity. It’s a mindset that embraces change, learns from failures, and thrives under pressure.

Can Meditation Heal the Body and Improve Genes?

Can Meditation Heal the Body and Improve Genes?

Meditation is relatively inexpensive and low-risk, it has been shown to have positive effects on a wide range of physical and mental health conditions. For example, it can lower blood pressure, improve immune function, and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. Furthermore, it is a skill that can be learned and practiced by anyone regardless of their background, age, and level of health.

Lady Gaga, Meditation and the Dalai Lama

Lady Gaga, Meditation and the Dalai Lama

Lady Gaga interviews his holiness the Dalai Lama to discuss the benefits of compassion and mindfulness meditation
“Change in humanity must start from individuals,” said the Dalai Lama. “We created this violence, so we can reduce this violence.”
“We are unified in our humanity, and the only thing that we all know and we all appreciate in one another is kindness, and this has to come before all things,” Lady Gaga said.

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