How Our Brains Turned Fools Woke – Dr. Iain McGilchrist

How Our Brains Turned Fools Woke – Dr. Iain McGilchrist

Here are 20 key points from the video "How Our Brains Turned Fools Woke" - Dr. Iain McGilchrist:

1. The left hemisphere of the brain has become dominant over the right hemisphere.
2. This has led to a more narrow, literal, and reductive way of thinking.
3. There is a loss of nuance, context, and empathy as a result.

4. This has contributed to the rise of rigid ideological positions that are resistant to opposing views.
5. The left hemisphere is associated with categorization, abstraction, and literal interpretation.
6. The right hemisphere is associated with holistic, contextual, and metaphorical thinking.
7. Damage to the right hemisphere leads to a loss of the "big picture" and an inability to see context.
8. Damage to the left hemisphere leads to a loss of language and logical reasoning abilities.
9. The left hemisphere's dominance has resulted in a focus on parts over wholes.
10. This has manifested in a tendency towards reductionism and a loss of appreciation for complexity.
11. The left hemisphere is associated with a sense of certainty, while the right hemisphere is associated with uncertainty and doubt.

12. The left hemisphere's dominance has contributed to the rise of ideological rigidity and intolerance of opposing views.
13. This shift in brain function has paralleled the rise of "woke" ideology in modern society.
14. The video suggests that restoring the balance between the left and right hemispheres could help address these societal issues.
15. Dr. Iain McGilchrist, the speaker in the video, is a psychiatrist and author who has studied the differences between the brain's hemispheres.

16. He argues that the left hemisphere's dominance has led to a loss of nuance, context, and empathy in modern discourse.
17. McGilchrist suggests that this neurological shift has contributed to the polarization and intolerance seen in contemporary society.
18. The video explores how the brain's evolution has shaped human cognition and behavior in ways that have profound societal implications.

19. It suggests that a better understanding of the brain's hemispheric differences could help address the challenges facing modern society.
20. The video is part of a broader discussion around the "metacrisis" - the interconnected social, political, and environmental crises facing the world today.

For more from Ian Gilchrist, you may want to check out his book wehre he outlines why is the brain divided. The difference between right and left hemispheres has been puzzled over for centuries.

Drawing upon a vast body of brain research, the renowned psychiatrist, author, and thinker Iain McGilchrist reveals that the difference between the two sides is profound—two whole, coherent, but incompatible ways of experiencing the world. The detail-oriented left hemisphere prefers mechanisms to living things and is inclined to self-interest, while the right hemisphere has greater breadth, flexibility, and generosity.

How to Cure PTSD Four Times in 5 Hours with Memory Reconsolidation Therapy

How to Cure PTSD Four Times in 5 Hours with Memory Reconsolidation Therapy

The client presented in this case study illustrated successful PTSD treatment using a novel, brief intervention requiring fewer than 5 hours of treatment. Using diagnostic criteria for Military trauma (PCL-M ≥ 50) his intake score was 73 and no longer met criteria for PTSD diagnosis following RTM. These gains were maintained, as reported above, at one-year posttreatment.

How PTSD Can Impact Women

How PTSD Can Impact Women

The greatest beneficial results for women with PTSD is from a study on military women that had experienced PTSD from battle and military sexual trauma. What worked for them is a non-drug intervention that is effective by using a mental training strategy that focuses on erasing the emotional content of the memory. The conclusion of that study had impressive results – ‘RTM (Reconsolidation of Traumatic Memories) eliminated intrusive symptoms and significantly decreased symptom scale ratings in 90%’.

7 Strategies To Improve Focus, Increase Concentration, and Enhance Attention.

7 Strategies To Improve Focus, Increase Concentration, and Enhance Attention.

Being able to maintain focus is a valuable skill but the challenge is that technology is extraordinarily powerful at getting our attention. With all the notifications and new interesting information constantly being fire-hosed into our consciousness, it can be a challenge to do work of any value. Fortunately, focus can be improved with these 7 strategies.

Unlock Your Intuition: 4 Exercises to Develop Your Sixth Sense

Unlock Your Intuition: 4 Exercises to Develop Your Sixth Sense

Have you ever had a gut feeling about something, only to find out later that your intuition was spot on? Intuition is often described as our "sixth sense" - an innate ability to perceive and understand things without conscious reasoning. While some people seem to be naturally more intuitive, the good news is that we all have the capacity to develop and strengthen this powerful inner guidance system.

In this video, we're going to explore 4 practical exercises that can help you unlock and cultivate your intuitive abilities. Whether you're looking to make more informed decisions, tap into your creative potential, or simply deepen your self-awareness, these techniques can serve as a roadmap to unlocking your intuitive potential.

What is Intuition?

Intuition is often described as a "sixth sense" - an immediate understanding or insight that goes beyond our rational, logical mind. It's that gut feeling, that flash of insight, or that unexplainable knowing that can guide us towards the right choices and help us navigate life's complexities.

Neuroscientists believe that intuition arises from the subconscious mind, where our brain processes information and patterns that we may not be consciously aware of. When we tap into our intuition, we're essentially accessing a wealth of knowledge and wisdom that exists beyond our conscious awareness.

Intuition can manifest in many ways - it might be a sudden hunch, a vivid dream, or a feeling of unease about a particular situation. The key is learning to recognize and trust these intuitive signals, rather than dismissing them as mere coincidence or imagination.

The Benefits of Developing Intuition

Cultivating your intuitive abilities can bring a wealth of benefits to your personal and professional life. Here are just a few of the ways that tapping into your intuition can enhance your well-being and decision-making:

1. Improved Decision-Making: Intuition can provide valuable insights and guidance when it comes to making important decisions. By tuning into your inner wisdom, you can often make more informed choices that align with your true values and goals.

2. Enhanced Creativity and Problem-Solving: Intuition can unlock new perspectives and innovative solutions, helping you approach challenges with a fresh, creative mindset.

3. Deeper Self-Awareness: As you learn to listen to your intuitive voice, you'll gain a better understanding of your own thoughts, feelings, and motivations, leading to greater self-awareness and personal growth.

4. Reduced Stress and Anxiety: Trusting your intuition can help you navigate life's uncertainties with more confidence and ease, reducing stress and anxiety in the process.

5. Stronger Relationships: Intuition can help you better understand and empathize with others, leading to more meaningful and fulfilling connections.

4 Exercises to Develop Your Intuition

Now that we've explored the nature and benefits of intuition, let's dive into 4 practical exercises that can help you unlock and cultivate your own intuitive abilities.

1. Meditation and Mindfulness

One of the most powerful ways to develop your intuition is through the practice of meditation and mindfulness. By quieting the constant chatter of the mind, you create space for your intuitive insights to emerge.

Start by setting aside 10-15 minutes each day to sit in quiet meditation. Focus on your breath, allowing thoughts and sensations to come and go without judgment. As you become more comfortable with this practice, you may begin to notice subtle intuitive nudges or flashes of insight that arise during your meditation sessions.

2. Journaling and Reflection

Keeping a regular journal can be a powerful tool for tapping into your intuition. Set aside time each day to write freely, without censoring or editing your thoughts. Allow your pen to flow, and pay attention to any recurring themes, patterns, or unexpected insights that emerge.

You can also try "intuitive journaling," where you ask yourself a specific question or prompt, and then write without overthinking the response. This can help you access the wisdom of your subconscious mind and uncover valuable intuitive guidance.

3. Sensory Awareness Exercises

Our intuition is often closely linked to our senses, so developing greater sensory awareness can be a powerful way to cultivate your intuitive abilities. Try the following exercise:

Find a quiet, comfortable space and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths, then begin to focus on each of your senses one by one. Notice the sounds around you, the sensations on your skin, the smells in the air, and the flavors in your mouth. Pay attention to any subtle shifts or changes in your experience.

As you become more attuned to your senses, you may start to notice intuitive impressions or insights that arise. Trust these intuitive nudges and see where they lead you.

4. Intuitive Decision-Making

One of the most practical ways to develop your intuition is to start applying it to your everyday decision-making. The next time you're faced with a choice, take a moment to pause and tune into your inner guidance.

Ask yourself, "What does my intuition tell me about this decision?" and then listen closely to the subtle feelings, hunches, or impressions that arise. Trust these intuitive signals, even if they don't align with your logical, rational mind.

Over time, as you practice this process of intuitive decision-making, you'll become more adept at recognizing and interpreting your intuitive guidance, leading to more fulfilling and aligned choices.

Unlocking your intuitive abilities is a powerful journey of self-discovery and personal growth. By incorporating these 4 exercises into your daily life, you'll begin to cultivate a deeper connection with your inner wisdom, leading to more informed decisions, enhanced creativity, and a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Remember, developing your intuition is a lifelong practice, so be patient and compassionate with yourself as you explore this fascinating realm of the human experience. Trust the process, and allow your intuitive voice to guide you towards a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

5 Powerful Mindset Hacks to Boost Productivity Instantly

5 Powerful Mindset Hacks to Boost Productivity Instantly

What's up Reprogrammers? Have you ever had one of those days where you just can't seem to get anything done? You sit down to work, but your mind is pulled in a million different directions. Maybe you're feeling unmotivated, distracted, or just plain overwhelmed.

We've all been there. But the good news is, with a few simple mindset shifts, you can radically boost your productivity and get more done in less time. Today, I'm sharing 5 powerful mindset hacks that will help you instantly increase your focus, motivation, and overall output.

Hack #1: Reframe Your Perspective

The first hack is all about perspective. Instead of viewing your tasks and to-do list as a burden, reframe them as opportunities. An opportunity to learn, grow, and make progress towards your goals.

When you approach your work with this positive, opportunistic mindset, it becomes far less draining and much more energizing. You're no longer just checking boxes - you're actively investing in your future self.

Dissociated perspective also works. e.g. Bjorn Borg.

Hack #2: Tap Into Your Deeper "Why"

Next up, tap into your deeper "why" behind what you're working on. Why did you start this project or pursue this path in the first place? What impact are you hoping to create?

Reconnecting with your core motivations and desired outcomes can be incredibly inspiring. It adds more weight and meaning to your daily efforts, making it easier to power through challenges.

Hack #3: Implement Productivity Sprints

Our third mindset hack is to implement productivity sprints into your workflow. The idea here is to work in short, hyper-focused bursts followed by brief recovery periods.

I recommend setting a timer for 45-60 minutes. During that time, go into deep work mode with zero distractions - no phone, no emails, no multitasking. When the timer goes off, take a 5-10 minute break to recharge. Repeat this cycle throughout your day.

Not only does this keep you laser-focused for longer, but the breaks also prevent burnout and mental fatigue. It's a huge win-win for productivity.

Hack #4: Cultivate a Positive Environment

The fourth hack is to be intentional about cultivating a positive, productive environment around you. After all, your physical space has a big impact on your mindset.

Keep your work area clean and organized. Play some motivating music. Diffuse some uplifting essential oils. Do whatever helps put you in a focused, creative headspace conducive to deep work.

You can even extend this principle to your digital workspace by customizing your computer's desktop wallpaper, browser theme, or even just opening new browser windows for distraction-free focus.

Hack #5: Prioritize Self-Care

And finally, the fifth mindset hack is to prioritize self-care. You can't pour from an empty cup, so make sure you're taking care of yourself - mind, body, and soul.

Get enough sleep, eat nutritious foods, stay hydrated, exercise regularly, and make time for activities that bring you joy and fulfillment outside of work. When you're operating from a state of balance and personal wellbeing, you'll naturally have more energy, motivation, and mental clarity to tackle your tasks.

Closing Thoughts

So there you have it - 5 powerful yet simple mindset shifts you can make to massively boost your productivity on any given day. Reframe your perspective, tap into your deeper "why", implement productivity sprints, cultivate a positive environment, and prioritize self-care.

When you combine all of these hacks, you'll be amazed at how much more focused and motivated you feel. You'll start checking things off your to-do list left and right while operating at your highest level.

Give these mindset hacks an honest try and let me know which ones have the biggest impact for you in the comments below. That's all for today's video - I'll catch you next time as we continue Reprogramming our Minds together!

What is the Harada  Method and How to Use it for Achieving Your Goals.

What is the Harada Method and How to Use it for Achieving Your Goals.

In this video we are going to look at a Japanese goal achieving system that generated a $700 million contract and one of the greatest baseball players of all time.

The way he went about achieving this spectacular accomplishment was by using the Harada Method for personal growth and development.
Shohei Ohtani as a remarkable Japanese baseball player for the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim who utilized the Harada Method to achieve his goals.  His ambition to become Japan's premier baseball prospect.

What is The Harada Method?

It is a personal-growth technique created by Takashi Harada, focusing on self-improvement in eight key areas.
Ohtani applied this method by identifying specific ways to enhance his skills and character.

Impact of the Harada Method on Ohtani

Shohei Ohtani's Success Story

Ohtani's rise to prominence in baseball, showcasing his achievements and skills on the field.
His success directly to the principles of the Harada Method and how it shaped his mindset and performance.
The Harada Method contributed to Shohei Ohtani's success story.
- Encourage viewers to reflect on their own goals and consider applying similar principles of self-improvement in their lives.

The designated hitter and pitcher was Rookie of the Year in 2018, followed by being selected as unanimous MVP of the American League last year. His rise to stardom can be attributed to his organized approach to the sport and the coaching he was exposed to along the way.

Ohtani used the Harada Method to achieve baseball superstardom. The Harada Method is a personal-growth system created by a former middle school teacher, Takashi Harada. As a junior high school track and field coach at the worst school in Osaka, Japan, Harada was determined to create an environment of success for his students and athletes. After many years of studying the world’s best coaches, he created a new methodology to uplift his students. The school went from the lowest rated to the highest rated out of 380 schools. His track team won 13 gold medals, achieving the number one ranking in Japan.

The matrix below, termed a 64 Chart, demonstrates the organization of Ohtani’s development. At the center is the ultimate goal of being the top draft pick in the MLB draft. The ultimate goal is surrounded by eight essential keys for accomplishing the ultimate goal. Then, these eight keys are sub-divided into eight areas of focus for his personal development.

Ohtani’s 64 Chart

In essence, at the core of the Harada Method of personal growth is a checklist of behavio


After his initial one, Ohtani has filled out about 15 more “64 Charts” to reflect his updated goals.

Long Term Goal Form

At the age of 28, Shohei Ohtani signed a 10 year / $700,000,000 contract with the Los Angeles Dodgers.

What system did he use to achieve such huge goals?

He used the Harada method which is very successful and popular in Japan. How did this come about?

Meet Takashi Harada.

He was a high school track & field coach at the worst school in Osaka, Japan. After years studying the world's best coaches, he created his own system. His school went from being dead last to the #1 school in Japan producing 13 gold medal winners during his span.

Shohei Ohtani studied under Mr. Suzuki who was a student of Harada's.

Now Here is Shohei Otani's list of goals as well as his map of how to get there.

What he has accomplished seems surreal & almost magical but it was planned all along.

The Harada Method, developed by Takashi Harada, is a system focused on fostering self-reliance and personal development. This method emphasizes individuals becoming highly skilled in a particular discipline, enabling them to make responsible decisions for themselves and the organizations they work for. The core principle of the Harada Method is to empower individuals to envision their future success through their own efforts, thereby instilling excitement and motivation for work.

The Harada Method has been successfully applied in various contexts, including sports coaching and business management. It has been recognized as an effective tool for developing highly skilled workers essential for the future of industries. By instilling self-reliance and providing individuals with the tools to achieve their goals, the Harada Method aims to drive personal and professional success.

The method has been widely adopted in Japan and is now being introduced to English-speaking businesses worldwide through certification programs and coaching services.

Overall, the Harada Method offers a structured approach to personal growth and goal achievement by empowering individuals to take ownership of their lives, develop essential skills, and strive for excellence in both personal and professional endeavors.

What are the Key Principles of the Harada Method?

The key principles of the Harada Method, a management and self-development approach, include:

1. Self-Management: Individuals are encouraged to take responsibility for their own work and personal development. They set their own goals and are accountable for achieving them.
2. Visualizing Goals: People are taught to visualize their goals clearly, making them more tangible and achievable. Visualization is a key aspect of the method, helping individuals to stay focused on their objectives.
3. Breaking Down Goals: Goals are broken down into smaller, manageable tasks to facilitate progress incrementally.
4. Daily Practice: Emphasizes the importance of daily routines and habits that contribute to the achievement of long-term goals.
5. Measuring Progress: Progress is measured and tracked regularly to provide feedback and guide adjustments in efforts.
6. Continuous Improvement: Promotes the idea of continuous improvement (kaizen), encouraging individuals to evaluate their performance constantly and seek ways to enhance their processes and achieve success.

These principles aim to help individuals to become self-reliant, set clear goals aligned with personal and organizational success, and foster a culture of accountability, productivity, and continuous improvement within organizations.

How to Start the Harada Method for Yourself Today.

Step 1:  Answer questions based on self reliance. It's a gauge to see how self reliant you are and gives you a baseline with which to work with. Once you find your baseline your goal is to improve upon them. The questions can be accessed at the images below:

and here's the others...

Now that you've got those questions answered you can use those as a benchmark for your progress.

Step 2:  Create your long term goal. This is your north star where your actions will be directed towards. It will organize your goals, purposes, self analysis, and action plan.

Step 3: Analyze your obstacles to success. Once you do that you then create countermeasures to solve those obstacles before they happen. This helps you plan tasks and routines to achieve the goal when the going gets rough.

Step 4. Create an Open 64 chart. The Open 64 is a framework for coming up with tasks and routines you need to accomplish the goal. You create 8 pillars that will serve as principles to your achievement. Around those fill in the tasks needed to achieve them.

As an example, here is Shohei Otani's Open 64 chart from high school. While his main goal was to get drafted 1st overall in the MLB he achieved something even greater than that. He got signed to a $30 million contract by the Anaheim Angels.

Step 5: Create a checklist of routines. It's not enough to set a goal. You must set a system of habits that will make the goal an inevitability. Have a list you check daily to ensure you're hitting the actions you need to make your vision a reality.

Step 6: Keep a daily performance journal. The journal is broken down into tasks to be completed & a reflection on your performance at the end of the day. The journal is meant as a way to build self awareness while keeping you in line with your target.
