Common Mistakes People Make After a Breakup

Common Mistakes People Make After a Breakup

The aftermath of a breakup can be an emotionally challenging time, often leading individuals to make common mistakes that hinder their healing process. From dwelling on the past to engaging in unhealthy coping mechanisms, it's essential to recognize these pitfalls and adopt healthier strategies to pave the way towards healing, self-discovery, and a brighter future beyond the end of a relationship.

Common Mistakes People Make After a Breakup

1. Keeping Tabs on Their Ex's Relationship Status
It can be tempting to check up on who your ex is dating, but this curiosity is rarely driven by the wisest part of ourselves. Monitoring an ex's relationship status can lead to unnecessary emotional pain and hinder the process of moving on[1].

2. Binge Drinking
Using alcohol as a way to cope with the pain of a breakup is a common mistake. While it may seem like a temporary solution, alcohol is a depressant and not an effective long-term strategy for healing. Binge drinking can prolong the pain and hinder the healing process[1].

3. Dwelling on the Past
Dwelling on the past and ruminating on the relationship can keep individuals stuck in the pain of the breakup. It's important to allow oneself to grieve, but dwelling on the past can hinder personal growth and the process of moving forward[2].

4. Excessive Posting on Social Media
After a breakup, some individuals may engage in excessive posting on social media, particularly selfies, in an attempt to show their ex what they're missing out on. However, this behavior can be a sign of seeking validation and may not contribute to genuine healing [2].

5. Traveling Excessively
While traveling can be a healthy way to gain perspective and heal, excessive traveling as a means of distraction or proving readiness to move on may not address the underlying emotions of the breakup[2].

6. Engaging in Rebound Relationships
Jumping into a new relationship too soon as a way to cope with the pain of the breakup can prevent individuals from processing their emotions and understanding what went wrong in the previous relationship[2].

By recognizing these common mistakes and adopting healthier coping mechanisms, individuals can navigate the post-breakup period with self-care and resilience. It's important to seek support from friends and family, focus on self-discovery, and allow oneself to grieve without judgment.

In conclusion, while the aftermath of a breakup can be incredibly challenging, being mindful of these common mistakes and approaching the healing process with self-compassion and healthy coping strategies can pave the way for personal growth and a brighter future beyond the end of a relationship.


Learn the mental training strategies used by the military to clear veterans of PTSD.  This is the strategy mentioned in the Washington Post that is considered the most effective and least known protocol for changing problem memories.

Get Over a Breakup and Learn to Change problem memories so you can move forward without the baggage of the past.

Discover how memories work so you can alter them in ways that lets you let go of the past and pick up the pieces of your life in a better way.  Now you don't have to waste more time obsessing about what was when you finally learn how to get over a breakup fast and change the memories of your ex, for good!




Post Traumatic Growth and The Miracle on the Hudson: A 15-Year Reflection

Post Traumatic Growth and The Miracle on the Hudson: A 15-Year Reflection

In January 2009, the world witnessed an aviation miracle as US Airways Flight 1549 made a successful emergency landing in the Hudson River, saving all 155 lives on board. This extraordinary event, famously known as "The Miracle on the Hudson," not only showcased the skill of Captain C.B. "Sully" Sullenberger but also left an indelible mark on the lives of the passengers. In this reflective piece, we delve into the experiences of those on board, exploring the profound impact this miraculous incident had on their lives, both in the immediate aftermath and over the 15 years that followed.

The Terrifying Descent

The Fateful Moment
As the aircraft took off from New York's LaGuardia Airport, it collided with a flock of Canada geese, resulting in the loss of both engines. The cockpit filled with urgency as Captain Sullenberger quickly assessed the situation and made the heart-stopping announcement, "This is the captain. Brace for impact." The passengers, unaware of the imminent miracle, braced themselves for what they believed could be their last moments.

A Masterful Landing
In the 208 seconds from impact, Captain Sullenberger and First Officer Jeff Skiles orchestrated a skillful maneuver, landing the plane on the Hudson River – an act hailed as the most successful ditching in aviation history. The physical jolt, the cracking sternum, and the shaking plane marked the beginning of a harrowing ordeal that would transition into a tale of survival and resilience.

The mayor called it a 'miracle on the Hudson''.


This epic moment of heroism was also turned into a major motion picture called 'Sully' named after the pilot who saved all 155 lives.

To understand how huge of a story it was, two Hollywood legends participated in its production. Clint Eastwood as direcor and Tom Hanks being the star.


The movie was based on the book written by pilot Sully which became a phenomenal best seller with over 3800 reviews on Amazon averaging 4.5 stars.

Life After the Miracle

Embracing Change
For some, like Clay Presley, the incident triggered extreme claustrophobia, a lasting impact that shaped his life. However, Presley channeled his fear into courage, ultimately becoming a pilot. His story exemplifies the transformative power of overcoming trauma and finding strength in vulnerability.

Uncharted Paths
Psychologists suggest that people respond differently to traumatic experiences. While some, like Pam Seagle, found inspiration to reevaluate and reshape their lives positively, others, like Vallie Collins, grappled with unforeseen emotional challenges. Seagle's decision to prioritize family and empowerment reflects the resilience that can emerge from adversity.

The Ripple Effect
The Miracle on the Hudson not only affected those directly involved but also captured the collective imagination during a challenging period in American history. In the midst of economic instability and uncertainty, the story became a beacon of hope and resilience, resonating with people worldwide.

A Feel-Good Story in Turbulent Times

Heroism in the Headlines
As the media frenzy surrounding Captain Sullenberger unfolded, the story became a symbol of hope amid economic downturns and personal struggles. Governor David Paterson aptly described it as a "miracle on the Hudson," emphasizing the need for positive narratives during trying times.

Acts of Compassion
The outpouring of support from around the globe highlighted the impact of a feel-good story. Messages of gratitude and stories of personal renewal flooded in, reaffirming the importance of everyday acts of courage and compassion.

A Lasting Lesson
Captain Sullenberger reflects on the uncelebrated heroes in our midst, individuals whose acts of courage often go unnoticed. The Miracle on the Hudson serves as a timeless reminder of the potential within each of us to make a positive impact, even in the face of adversity.

Fifteen years after the Miracle on the Hudson, the echoes of that fateful day continue to resonate each with varied paths individuals took in the aftermath.

Here are some valuable lessons for surviving potential disasters and achieving post-traumatic growth.

Lessons for Surviving Potential Disasters and Achieving Post-Traumatic Growth

1. Calm Under Pressure
   Sully's composure under extreme pressure was crucial to the successful outcome. In the face of disaster, maintaining a sense of calm can help in making rational decisions and taking effective action.
2. Preparedness and Training
   The extensive training and experience of Sully and his co-pilot were instrumental in handling the crisis. Preparedness through training and simulation can significantly enhance the ability to manage unexpected events.
3. Decision-Making Under Uncertainty
   Sully's quick and decisive decision to land on the Hudson River, despite the lack of engine power, averted a potential catastrophe. He assessed the situation and understood that landing an an airport was not an option He had to make an emergency landing somewhere and make the tough decisions under uncertainty.
4. Teamwork and Communication
   The effective coordination between the flight crew, air traffic control, and rescue teams was vital. Clear communication and cohesive teamwork are essential in crisis situations.
5. Resilience and Adaptability
   Sully's resilience in the aftermath of the landing, as well as the resilience of the passengers and crew, exemplifies the ability to adapt and bounce back from adversity.
6. Seeking Support and Professional Help
   After such a traumatic event, seeking support from mental health professionals and leaning on social support networks is crucial for coping and recovery.
7. Finding Meaning and Growth
   The experience of surviving a disaster can lead to post-traumatic growth, where individuals find new perspectives, priorities, and a deeper appreciation for life.
The "Miracle on the Hudson" can be a powerful reminder of human strength, preparedness, and the potential for growth in the aftermath of adversity. By embracing these lessons, individuals can better equip themselves to face and overcome unexpected challenges.
These lessons are not only applicable to aviation emergencies but can also be translated to various aspects of life, which can help us all learn to brace for impact.

Resolving Grief Strategy

This strategy comes from NLP Master practitioner Steve Andreas. He created this strategy and has used it for his clients for over 25 years. ​

It has also been used by ‘Our Lady of Peace’ psychiatric hospital in Louisville Kentucky.

One of the doctors there spoke of this strategy as follows: “We have been using the grief pattern in our institution with all sorts of success.  We’re working on the toughest kinds of cases, if it works with these people, it can work with anybody” ​ -Mary Ellen Zuverink Ph.D

The strategy takes advantage of the way emotions and their meanings are spatially organized. You can test this out briefly by thinking of something you would never eat. As you imagine that thing, whereabouts do you envision it spatially? To the left or to the right? Up high or down low?

Now think of a food that you love to eat! A food that you can think about and instantly know you could eat it right now if it was available and likely would want more of the same after that.

Now that you have thought of these two gustatory contrasts, notice the difference in location in your imagination as to where each of these items is envisioned. Is the yummy thing imagined in a different spot than the thing you would never eat? What is the organizing principle that your mind, guts, brain and nervous system unquestionably knows which is wrong and which is delectable? ​ This difference in location is a distinction considered to be the main driver that makes this resolving grief strategy work.

You can use this idea for yourself if you wanted to also use your perception of spatial organizing in your mind when you want more clarity about the wrongness of something and the rightness of something else. As an example, you can read through the strategy below to get a more detailed grip on how to use the perception of space.

The Resolving Loss and Grief Strategy 1. Think of the situation of grief/loss Begin thinking about the positive value and the good things about what has been lost. Identify a dozen qualities of the picture so your brain gets the impression that what you’re visualizing is real enough to pay attention to. Notice especially the location and for the other qualities, notice if the experience of it is … ( dark, dull, fuzzy, hard, frame, moving, still, is it in a picture frame, is it high resolution or grainy or like it was a Charlie Chaplin clip etc).

When you’ve called forth this experiential visualization you can layer in the pieces of the next step. Think of a situation of ‘loss’ that your brain codes in a pleasant and joyful way. It could be someone you haven’t seen for a long time – perhaps someone from grade school, college or university, a friend, relative, etc. It may be someone who has already croaked, just so long as you feel connected to, linked to, emotionally coupled with, all the good feelings that automatically causes you to smile when you bring that recollection forth and are lighting up the network assemblies associated to that pleasing memory. The organizing principle of this step is to find the cell assemblies of joyful past and mix and merge them and entwine them and fire those neurons together with the cell assemblies of the lost and grief experience so that the grief experience becomes coded with the group of niceties.  Identify the submodalities of this experience (usually closer, colourful, with movement, sound, etc.). Pay special attention to the location of this image.  Now comes the ‘mapping-across process’. Change the submodalities of the experience of loss into those of connection. You will probably notice an immediate physiological shift. Calibrate to ensure that the change has occurred prior to the next step.

Thinking of all the positive qualities, attributes, past happy events and memories of this relationship, imagine that these are all represented in some way on a pack of cards, each card representing a different quality. You don’t have to see them clearly – just notice the edges of the cards situated behind this new image of connection. Now, keeping the new image of connection safely in place, imagine these cards streaming out into your future. As these cards begin to settle in the foreground, the middle distance and out into the far future, let them turn into sparkling stars of light. As you walk out into this new future you can enjoy the continuing sense of connection – spreading out to encompass others whom you know, and those you have yet to meet.​ While keeping the new image of connection safely in place, begin to imagine these cards streaming out into the future – your future.

And as these cards begin to settle in the foreground, the middle distance and out into the far future, let them turn into sparkling stars of light. And as you walk out into this new future you can enjoy the continuing sense of connection – spreading out to encompass others you know, and those you have yet to meet knowing that you know how good it can feel to mobilize yourself to fulfill your life mission.

Navigating Heartbreak: 6 Steps Women Who End Up Happier After A Breakup Do During The Healing Process

Navigating Heartbreak: 6 Steps Women Who End Up Happier After A Breakup Do During The Healing Process

Experiencing the pain of a breakup can feel like a rug being pulled out from under you. If you're struggling to move on, it's crucial to understand the stages of healing. In this post, we'll explore six essential steps to help you overcome the lingering effects of a breakup and emerge stronger on the other side.

1. Feel Every Emotion:

Despite the intensity, allowing yourself to feel and process all emotions is crucial. Embrace the pain, anger, and sadness. Understand that these feelings are temporary, and by acknowledging them, you pave the way for healing.

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2. Let Go of False Hope:

Resisting the urge to hold onto fantasies and false hope is vital. Recognize that clinging to the possibility of a reunion hinders healing. Stay open to new possibilities and lasting love by releasing unrealistic expectations.

3. Allow Yourself to Grieve:

Acknowledging the loss is a crucial step. Set aside dedicated time to grieve and mourn the end of the relationship. This process allows you to detach from the past and move towards a new direction.

4. Set Clear Boundaries:

Establishing boundaries is an act of self-care. Requesting no contact allows you the space needed for healing. Limiting communication to necessities prevents reopening emotional wounds and accelerates the healing process.

5. Search for the Golden Nugget:

Find the positive lessons from the relationship by journaling about your experiences. Discovering the 'Golden Nugget' accelerates healing and allows you to appreciate the relationship for the growth it provided.

6. Practice Forgiveness:

Forgiveness, both for your ex and yourself, is liberating. It doesn't condone past actions but frees you from lingering resentment. Forgiving yourself allows personal growth and prepares you for healthier future relationships.

By following these six steps, you can navigate the challenging journey of overcoming a breakup and emerge stronger, ready for new beginnings. Remember, healing is a process, and each step brings you closer to a brighter future.

Learn the mental training strategies used by the military to clear veterans of PTSD.  This is the strategy mentioned in the Washington Post that is considered the most effective and least known protocol for changing problem memories.

Get Over a Breakup and Learn to Change problem memories so you can move forward without the baggage of a past relationship.

Learn how to get over a breakup fast and change the memories of your ex, for good!
