Review of Dr Joe Dispenza's book, 'Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One' -
Chapter One
This book is chopped up into three parts and the first two parts of it really are the foundation of it because it frames the importance and the value of the meditations that follow in part three.
If I were to sum up this first chapter in a few words it would be:
Thoughts + Feelings = test-tube results
Chapter 1 - Introduces you to a bit of quantum physics and it's important to embrace the concept that your mind has an effect on your world. The observer effect in quantum physics states that where you direct your attention is where you place your energy.
One of the reasons why people have a challenge being able to break away from the way that they are perceiving themselves in the world is because they're trapped in a Newtonian viewpoint of the world, this old belief system.
Descartes and Newton established a mindset that if reality operated on mechanistic principles then humanity had little influence on outcomes, but of course all that was blown apart when Albert Einstein produced the famous equation E = mc 2 demonstrating that energy and matter are so fundamentally related that they are one and the same.
So this directly contradicted Newton and Descartes while ushering in a new understanding of how the universe functions.
'Now after all that, here are a couple quotes from Dr. Joe Dispenza's book Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself'
"if an atom is 99.999% energy and . 00001 % physical substance then we are more nothing then something." and then he says...
"isn't it ironic then that we keep all of our attention on that point .00001% of reality that is physical?
Are we missing something?'
When understanding that we're living in this quantum universe, then you realize that spending time and energy on what is is really only spending your time on such an insignificant portion that it really doesn't have that much bearing on reality.
Let's look at a study that was done from one of the references in his book.
So they had these three groups of people that had each one of them holding a test tube with DNA and the reason that they use DNA is because DNA is more stable. It's more rigid than cells and bacteria.
had to hold DNA and feel strong elevated feelings of love and appreciation for 2 minutes
Had to hold this test tube of DNA and they also were to be feeling strong elevated feelings and having the intention in their minds to change that DNA.
Group three:
Had to hold that test tube of DNA but instead of feeling any emotions, all they would do is just hold in their mind the intention to change that DNA
Group 1 was zero difference
Group 3 also had zero difference.
Group 2 had up to a 25% change in DNA.
What's most striking about is that they were able to wind and unwind the structure of DNA just with thoughts and feelings and with their intentions.
Science folks might want to take a look at the study here:
Take a look at this one line which says:
'sustained positive emotions such as appreciation love or compassion associated with highly ordered or coherent patterns in the heart rhythms reflecting greater synchronization between the two branches of the autonomic nervous system'.
In other words the quantum field responds not to what we want, it responds to who we are being.
Think about how you are allowing yourself to be in the world and what kind of feelings and emotions that you're producing day-to-day, habitually and they'll give you an understanding as to how things keep staying the same.
Let's give this more support with another quote from Dr Joe Dispenza's book.
"some of the common habitual thought patterns that people have might be I'll never get a new job, or no one ever listens to me or he always makes me feel angry or everyone uses me, I want to call it quits or my life sucks or it's my genetics I'm just like my mother, so if thoughts and feelings are producing events in the quantum universe then obviously staying in this same type of stagnant emotional state of being is only going to be producing more and more of the same"