On Valentine's Day in 1884, Theodore Roosevelt experienced a tragic and devastating event. On that day, just 36 hours after the birth of their only daughter, Alice, Roosevelt's mother, Mittie, passed away from typhoid fever.

To compound the tragedy, on the same day, his wife, Alice Lee, succumbed to Bright's disease, an inflammatory kidney disease, just two days after giving birth to their daughter. This heartbreaking loss of both his wife and mother on Valentine's Day made it an incredibly sorrowful and challenging time for Theodore Roosevelt.

But it didn't stop him. He returned to politics and became the youngest ever elected President of the United States.

Some of his key achievements and actions as President include:

Progressive Reforms: Roosevelt endowed the progressive movement with credibility, advocating for welfare legislation, government regulation, and the conservation movement. He believed that the President should challenge prevailing notions of limited government and individualism, and that government should serve as an agent of reform for the people

Trust-Busting and Square Deal: He initiated antitrust lawsuits against 44 companies, enforcing the Sherman Antitrust Act and advocating for a "Square Deal" between business interests and labor
Foreign Policy: Roosevelt pursued an active role for the United States in world politics, mediating the end of the Russo-Japanese War, securing the route and beginning construction of the Panama Canal, and promoting the conservation movement
Conservation Efforts: He dramatically expanded the system of national parks and national forests, adding enormously to the national forests in the West and reserving lands for public use
Big Stick Diplomacy: Roosevelt advocated for a strong foreign policy, coining the phrase "speak softly and carry a big stick," which summarized his approach to international relations
Nobel Peace Prize: He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906 for mediating an end to the Russo-Japanese War.
The face of Theodore Roosevelt was carved on Mount Rushmore and dedicated on July 2, 1939
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