Synesthesia, Writing, Filmmaking and the Falcon.

Synesthesia, Writing, Filmmaking and the Falcon.

Synesthesia is a neurological condition where stimulation of one sense automatically triggers an experience in another sense.

The key points about synesthesia are:
1. It involves a blending or merging of the senses, where input to one sensory modality (e.g. hearing) leads to involuntary experiences in a different sense (e.g. seeing colors).
2. Common examples include seeing colors when hearing sounds, tasting shapes or textures, or perceiving numbers or letters as inherently colored (grapheme-color synesthesia).
3. The synesthetic associations are highly consistent for each individual - for instance, a particular letter or sound will reliably induce the same color experience every time.
4. It is an automatic, involuntary neurological process present from an early age, often from birth, rather than a conscious metaphorical association.
5. The causes are not fully understood, but may involve atypical cross-wiring or connectivity between sensory processing areas in the brain.
6. Synesthesia is considered a blending of perception, distinct from hallucinations, as the synesthetic experiences are additions to normal sensory input rather than distortions.
7. Prevalence estimates vary widely, from as rare as 1 in 20,000 to as common as 1 in 200 people.
Synesthesia refers to a neurological trait where sensory inputs get merged, allowing stimulation of one sense to automatically and consistently trigger experiences in another sense modality in the same individual.[1][2]
Synesthesia can be found in the book 'The Peregrine' by J.A. Baker.
This book is highly recommended by Werner Herzog. He says it is a must read for every writer and filmmaker!
The author writes in a way that leads me to believe that he had synesthesia.
Watch this interview to see how and the depth of appreciation Herzog has in this clip about Herzog on The Peregrine.

The Growing Gender Divide Among Young People

The Growing Gender Divide Among Young People

In recent years, a significant gap has emerged between the political and social attitudes of young men and women in many developed countries. This divide is particularly pronounced when it comes to issues related to gender equality, feminism, and traditional gender roles.

Young women have become increasingly liberal and supportive of feminist causes, driven by a desire to address ongoing injustices such as gender-based violence, restrictive abortion laws, pay gaps, and disproportionate household and childcare responsibilities. They perceive that much work remains to be done to achieve true gender equality, and they are determined to push for change.[1]

On the other hand, a substantial portion of young men have adopted a more conservative stance, vocally opposing feminist ideals and expressing resentment towards what they perceive as a threat to their opportunities and traditional gender roles. This backlash against feminism is particularly strong among young men who feel their future prospects are being undermined by women's progress in the workplace and society.

The Education Gap and Its Consequences

One of the key factors contributing to this divide is the education gap between young men and women. In many developed countries, women have surpassed men in attaining tertiary education, with a higher percentage of young women earning bachelor's degrees compared to their male counterparts.  This disparity in education levels has led to differences in attitudes and experiences.

Educated women are more likely to embrace liberal and egalitarian values, while men with lower educational attainment may feel threatened by women's advancement and cling to traditional gender roles. Additionally, the dating and relationship dynamics have shifted, with educated women often finding a limited supply of like-minded, liberal male partners.

The Role of Social Media and Echo Chambers

Social media has played a significant role in exacerbating the polarization between young men and women. Online echo chambers allow like-minded individuals to reinforce and amplify their beliefs, often leading to more extreme positions and misogynistic rhetoric among frustrated young men.[1]

Furthermore, algorithms on social media platforms tend to prioritize content that evokes strong emotions, such as fear or outrage, potentially distorting perceptions of reality and exaggerating the risks or injustices faced by each gender.

Political Exploitation of Gender Grievances

Some politicians on the right have capitalized on the grievances of young men, cultivating an image of masculinity and virility while portraying themselves as defenders of traditional gender roles. They have tapped into the resentment felt by some young men towards feminism and women's progress, offering a narrative that resonates with their concerns.

In contrast, the political left has struggled to effectively engage with young men's issues, often dismissing or overlooking their legitimate concerns and inadvertently pushing them towards online communities that reinforce anti-feminist sentiments.

Addressing the Underlying Issues

To bridge the growing gender divide, policymakers and educators need to address the underlying issues that are driving young men and women apart. This includes improving educational outcomes for underperforming boys, introducing more male teachers, and providing vocational training to prepare young men for traditionally female-dominated occupations.

Additionally, efforts should be made to foster open dialogue and understanding between the genders, acknowledging the legitimate concerns and challenges faced by both sides without resorting to labels or dismissive rhetoric.

By addressing these root causes and promoting mutual understanding, societies can work towards closing the gender gap and fostering a more inclusive and equitable environment for all

Canadian Immigration Surge Worsening Outlook for Housing Affordability

Canadian Immigration Surge Worsening Outlook for Housing Affordability

The immigration surge in Canada is exacerbating housing affordability concerns. National Bank economist Stéfane Marion warns that the working-age population rose sharply by over 100,000 in April 2024, a 47% increase compared to the same period in 2023.[1] This acceleration in population growth, particularly in major cities like Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver, is attributed to people rushing to immigrate before potential limits in 2025.[1] Consequently, housing affordability problems could worsen in the coming quarters as Canada heads for another record year of population growth.

BMO's top investment strategist, Brian Belski, raised the firm's S&P/TSX price target to 24,500, reflecting improving sentiment and revision trends, which are expected to drive valuation expansion. Despite the target increase, Belski maintains a cautious outlook, with the implied P/E ratio still below the long-term average.

RBC Capital Markets analyst Darko Mihelic remains uncertain about the domestic bank stocks' outlook, citing concerns over credit quality and the ongoing mortgage renewal shock.[1] While valuation appears attractive, Mihelic lacks confidence in forecasts for net interest margins, loan growth, and provisions for credit losses in 2025, suggesting Q2/24 results may not alleviate these concerns.

Barclays' Venu Krishna addressed key investor questions, including the firm's constructive view on Big Tech due to defensible margins and earnings growth potential. Krishna believes broadening market participation could be catalyzed by earnings growth and that equities can still perform well even without rate cuts in 2024, as long as inflation moderates. However, Krishna warns that stagflation, though unlikely, could catch markets off guard.

Morgan Stanley's research highlighted the cybersecurity subsector, with CrowdStrike, Palo Alto Networks, Verisign, and CyberArk cited as beneficiaries based on feedback from the RSA conference.  Identity Management, Endpoint, and Data Security were areas of strength, while firewall spending underwent a digestion period.

How to Find the Right Work and Relationship Partner with the 37% Rule.

How to Find the Right Work and Relationship Partner with the 37% Rule.

Today we're diving into two huge life decisions that can make or break your happiness and wellbeing - choosing the right career path and finding the ideal romantic partner. These aren't small choices to make lightly. We're talking about the areas where you'll be spending most of your waking hours and emotional energy.

The Importance of Career and Relationships

You can mess up a lot in life, but if you nail these two things - your job and your spouse - you'll maximize your chances of long-term satisfaction and fulfillment. That's because work and family life dominate so much of our daily existence.

While modern advice often emphasizes education and career over relationships, the reality is that the quality of our romantic partnerships is absolutely critical for mental and physical health. Studies show poor relationship quality can impact mortality risk as much as heavy smoking or alcohol abuse, and even more than obesity or inactivity. Yikes.

For the career-driven folks out there, having the right partner can actually fuel your professional success too. People with conscientious romantic partners tend to have higher job satisfaction, income, and promotion rates - even after controlling for their own conscientiousness levels. A disciplined, hard-working significant other can be the wind beneath your career wings.

Here's some examples of famous high-achievers crediting their partners:

- MrBeast: "My girlfriend is very beautiful, intelligent, pushes me to be better, is okay with my crazy work just makes me a better person."

- Conor McGregor: "My girlfriend stuck by me when I had absolutely nothing, just a dream I was telling her."

- Chris Bumstead: "She built this confidence in was huge for my personal growth as a champion."

- Warren Buffett: "Susie really put me together. She made me believe in myself, which changed my life. I wouldn't have been as successful without her making me a whole person."

But of course, healthy relationships are a two-way street. Both partners should be growing, supporting each other's ambitions and bringing out the best in one another.

How We Choose Partners

So how do people go about selecting mates in the first place? Conventional wisdom gives us two contrasting views - "opposites attract" or "birds of a feather flock together." While the former makes for good romantic comedy plots, research shows we actually tend to mate assortatively - favoring partners similar to ourselves in education, intelligence, age, politics, religion and socioeconomic status.

For example, if you're a college grad, you have a 65% chance of marrying another degree-holder. But if you only have a high school diploma, your odds of landing a spouse with a bachelor's are just 9%. We like people who are like us.

However, similarity alone doesn't guarantee relationship satisfaction and longevity. A key ingredient seems to be authenticity - openly sharing your deepest thoughts and being genuine, even if your partner may not fully understand. Authentic people attract other authentic partners, while deceptive types end up together too.

Another major factor is how your partner stacks up against your other realistic alternatives or "market value." We're more satisfied when our significant other is more desirable than the other potential mates we could realistically obtain. It's not about checking boxes on some universal criteria - we're grading our partners on a curve relative to ourselves.

The 37% Rule and "Try a Dozen"

This relates to an interesting concept from decision theory called the "37% rule" or the "secretary problem." Imagine you're hiring for a job and want to choose the best possible candidate. The rule says:

1) Estimate how many total applicants you'll get
2) Interview the first 37% as a sample
3) Remember the best one from that sample
4) Then keep interviewing until you find someone better than that initial best
5) Hire that person - they'll be the top candidate

Applying this strategy to dating, you'd theoretically want to go out with the first 37% of your total possible romantic prospects as a sampling. Then keep dating until you find someone better than the best of that initial sample - and lock them down as a partner.

Obviously that's not very practical for most people. But researchers found a simplified version called the "Try a Dozen" rule can work nearly as well. With this approach:

1) Date around a dozen potential partners
2) Remember the best one from that dozen
3) Then pick the very next person you meet who is more appealing than that best one

These are just theoretical models illustrating the challenges of optimizing this huge life decision. They have limitations and may not apply to everyone's circumstances. But they get at the core idea - you want a partner who is better than your other realistic options, not necessarily the universally "best" person out there.

The Ideal Situation

Many guys try to just get with the hottest possible woman they can find. But as David Buss points out, "Mates, once gained, must be retained." An average dude might score a few dates with a supermodel, but her abundance of better options creates instability and jealousy issues in the relationship.

The reverse isn't ideal either - being with someone way less attractive than you breeds dissatisfaction and wandering eyes. The sweet spot, according to Buss, is "when both people feel lucky to be with the other person."

If your current dating pool isn't as attractive as you'd like, well, there's a simple solution - become more attractive yourself! Hit the gym, groom yourself better, dress sharper, earn more money, get a cool side hustle. Small upgrades in your own stock can dramatically improve your romantic market value.

Green Flags to Seek

So what positive qualities or "green flags" should you be looking for in a potential long-term partner? According to relationship experts, some key ones include:

- Clear communication, even during difficult times
- Emotional maturity and stability
- Inquisitiveness and willingness to understand your perspective
- Quickly returning to emotional baseline after conflicts
- Stating needs directly instead of playing games
- Avoiding character attacks like "you always..." or "you never..."
- Not using the silent treatment as punishment

The ability to communicate constructively, especially when tensions are high, is crucial. As is having the emotional intelligence and self-awareness to manage one's own feelings in a healthy way.

An inquisitive mindset - striving to understand your partner's point of view rather than make assumptions - can go a long way too. As can basic emotional stability and not getting stuck in prolonged negative states.

Red Flags to Avoid

On the flip side, here are some potential red flags and toxic traits to watch out for in a prospective mate:

- Shifting responsibility for their emotions onto you ("Why did you make me feel this way?")
- Forcing you to play guessing games about their needs
- Character attacks and blanket statements about your personality
- Using the silent treatment to punish or manipulate you
- Frequent angry outbursts, yelling, or verbal abuse
- Inability to effectively manage their own mental health

If you notice these types of behaviors early on when a person is theoretically on their best behavior, that's a major red flag. It likely points to deeper underlying issues that will only get amplified over time.

The common thread here is a lack of emotional maturity and self-awareness. Trying to control your emotions for you, make you psychologically walk on eggshells, or subjecting you to frequent anger and hostility is incredibly toxic.

Finding Your "Special Person"

At the end of the day, the ideal partner is someone who supports and nurtures your ambitions, while you do the same for them in return.[1] As the psychologist Daniel Levinson describes, you want to find your "special person" - someone who "joins you on your life journey" and helps you live out your hopes and dreams.

This transcends the conventional view of romantic relationships. It's not just about love, attraction and intimacy. It's about finding a true partner who understands the deepest parts of you and helps manifest your vision for your life and future. Someone whose growth is inextricably linked to yours, and vice versa.

Levinson notes that "occupation and marriage-family are usually the most central components" of a man's life journey. Your career path and your romantic partnership form the crucible for your personal and professional development as a human being.

So put in the effort. Seek out someone you can build with, who complements and elevates you, and whom you can do the same for in return. It's one of the most important decisions you'll ever make for your long-term wellbeing and life satisfaction.

## Conclusion

These insights might help you in making two of the biggest choices that will shape your life's trajectory: your career and your romantic partner. Figure out what really matters to you in each area. Identify the green flags to pursue and the red flags to avoid. And optimize for mutual growth, support and understanding.

It's not an easy process by any means. But if you can nail these two pieces of the puzzle, you'll put yourself in an amazing position to live your best life possible. One filled with fulfillment, happiness and the realization of your deepest hopes and dreams.

So keep grinding, keep an open mind and open heart, and make these decisions consciously. Your future self will thank you. That's it for today - let me know your thoughts and questions down in the comments below. I'll catch you all on the next one!
