Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself
Review of Chapter 3:  Overcoming Your Body.
To sum up this entire chapter in a few words it would be this;
Think greater than how you feel.
These are neurotransmitters, neural peptides and hormones. These are known as the cause and effect chemicals for brain activity and bodily function and these things can connect to, interact with or influence the cell in a matter of milliseconds.
Think of neurotransmitters as chemical messengers primarily from the brain, neuropeptides as chemical signallers that serve as a bridge between the brain/body to make us feel the way we think and hormones as the chemicals related to feelings primarily in the body.
For example, let's say you're trying to figure out how to forget your ex or get over the loss of a job or argument or maybe you get cut off in traffic. Some event causes you to feel stress.
If you start thinking about stressful things, your neurotransmitters would start the thought process in your brain to produce a specific level of mind.
Your neuropeptides would chemically signal your body in a specific way and you would begin to feel riled up. Then as the peptides find a way to your adrenal glands they would then be prompted to release adrenaline and cortisol. Chemically your body readies for battle.
As you think these thoughts your brain circuits fire corresponding sequences, patterns and combinations which then produce a mind equal to those thoughts. Once these specific networks of neurons are activated, the brain produces specific chemicals with the exact signature to match those thoughts so that you feel the way you were just thinking.
The brain constantly monitors the way the body is feeling. Based on the chemical feedback it receives, it will generate more thoughts that produce chemicals corresponding to the way the body is feeling. This means we begin to feel the way we think and think the way we feel. This continuous cycle creates a feedback loop called a state of being.
When feeling become the means of thinking or if we cannot think greater than how we feel, we can never change. To change is to think greater than how we feel. To change is to act greater than the familiar feelings of the memorized self.
Breaking the habit of being yourself is to think greater than the way you're feeling.  In other words, using your thoughts to override the chemicals and the ingredients that you've been producing in the past.
The result of this cyclic communication between your brain and your body is to react addictively to these kinds of situations and create patterns with the same familiar thoughts and feelings while unconsciously behaving in automatic ways and stuck in these routines. This is how the chemical 'you' functions.
This is why it's so hard to change.
Joe Dispenza goes on to say how 95% of who and what we are by midlife is a series of subconscious programs that have become automatic, like driving a car, brushing teeth, overeating when stressed, worrying about the future, not believing in ourselves or insisting on being chronically unhappy and so on.
Let's say that you had a parent, guardian or someone that had you feel guilty about something or perhaps you made a regrettable mistake in your life. Replaying histories of guilt, anger or sadness is signalling your body to produce the specific chemicals that make up those feelings of guilt, anger, sadness or shame and because it's done so often our cells are swimming in this sea of guilt chemicals.
Then these receptor sites on the cells adapt so that they can better take in and process this particular chemical expression, that of guilt, anger sadness or shame. Then bathing the cells in enormous amounts of guilt begins to feel normal and eventually what the body perceives as normal starts to be interpreted as pleasurable.
These cells become kind of desensitized to the chemical feeling of guilt and they will require a stronger more powerful emotion, a higher threshold of stimuli to turn on the next time.  When that stronger hit of guilt chemicals gets the body's attention, your cells perk up at the stimulation and when each cell divides at the end of its life and makes a daughter cell, the receptor sites on the outside of that new cell will require a higher threshold of guilt, anger, sadness or whatever that negative emotion is to turn that cell back on.
Then the body demands a stronger emotional rush of feeling bad in order to feel alive and so you become addicted to guilt by your own doing and this is why overcoming your body is such an important part for breaking habits of being.
Dr. Joe Dispenza writes 'you have become unconsciously guilty most of the time, your body has become the mind of guilt.'Â This is like training your body to live as a memorized chemical continuity.
Breaking the habit of being yourself is taking on the job of interrupting and denying those cells or chemical needs by going contrary to those subconscious programs.
As you're changing your emotional pattern it's sort of like going through a drug withdrawal or an addiction because once these cells are no longer getting usual signals from the brain they begin to express concern.
Your body and mind keep working together feeling bad, perfectly in that state of being, but now since you're looking to be changing you'd no longer be thinking and feeling in the same way.
Your intention would be to produce more positive thoughts even though the body is still revved up to produce feelings of guilt. Ultimately we're working with a system and looking to make a change in the system.
Dr. Joe Dispenza says to think of this as a highly specialized assembly line. Your brain has programmed the body to expect one part that will fit into this larger assembly and then all of a sudden you've inserted another part that doesn't fit in to the old guilty space.
You've inserted another part that doesn't fit into this space where the old guilty part once did and then, he says it's like an alarm goes off and the whole operation comes to a standstill. The cell starts behaving in these funny ways like saying 'hey what are you doing up there you know we're supposed to be feeling guilty we've been following your commands and demands for years!'
We've subconsciously memorized this program of guilt from those repetitive thoughts and feelings.
"You want us to change? We can't have that!"
After several weeks of five one-hour training sessions the results showed that the people who imagined lifting up that finger got a 22% increase in muscle strength even though they never moved a muscle.
The actual finger lifters had a 30% increase in muscle strength.
Dispenza then talks about how the quantum model asserts that we can signal the body emotionally and begin to alter a chain of genetic events without first having any actual physical experience related to that emotion.
In other words we can imagine stuff and as a result we can signal our genes to make new proteins to change our bodies to be ahead of the present environment.
An additional example is about bicep strength. This was about people imagining doing bicep curls and people doing it in real life. Again, the people that were able to imagine doing that physical activity had shown an increase in strength.
When the body has changed physically and biologically to look like an experience has happened just by thought or mental efforts alone, then from a quantum perspective this offers evidence that the event has already transpired in our reality.  Then the brain begins to upgrade its hardware to look like the experience as if it's physically occurred. Then the body has changed genetically or biologically and both are different without our doing anything in three dimensions.
This event has occurred both in the quantum world of consciousness and in the world of physical reality. This is how being able to think greater than your body contributes to breaking the habit of being yourself.
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