Naval forces have employed various strategies to counter the threat of invasion from small boats. These tactics aim to secure coastal areas and protect against clandestine or unconventional maritime operations. Here are some strategies:

1. Surveillance and Patrols: Regular patrols and surveillance operations along coastlines help detect and deter small boat activities [[1](].

2. Naval Blockades: Implementing naval blockades can restrict the movement of small boats and prevent unauthorized access to certain areas, adding an additional layer of defense [[2](].

3. Use of Fast Attack Craft (FAC): Employing fast and agile vessels, such as Fast Attack Craft, allows naval forces to respond quickly to small boat threats, intercepting and neutralizing them efficiently.

4. Amphibious Warfare Tactics: Utilizing naval ships to project power onto hostile shores can deter small boat invasions. Amphibious warfare strategies involve a combination of naval, air, and ground forces working cohesively to defend against threats  [3](].

5. Coastal Defense Systems: Implementing sophisticated coastal defense systems, including sensors, radar, and anti-small boat weapons, enhances the ability to identify and engage potential threats.

6. Collaboration with Intelligence Agencies: Information sharing with intelligence agencies helps gather advance knowledge about potential small boat threats, enabling proactive countermeasures.

These strategies collectively contribute to a comprehensive defense against small boat invasions, safeguarding coastal regions and critical maritime assets.

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