The Source by Dr. Tara Swart Book Review Key Takeaways

The Source by Dr. Tara Swart Book Review Key Takeaways

Review of The Source by Tara Swart. Neuroscientist and Senior Lecturer at MIT reveals the surprising science that supports The Law of Attraction as an effective tool for self-discovery and offers a guide to discovering your authentic self to access your best life now....

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Rewire Your Brain for Happiness: 7 Proven Techniques

Rewire Your Brain for Happiness: 7 Proven Techniques

Happiness is something we all strive for, yet it can often feel elusive or out of reach. The good news is, the latest neuroscience research has uncovered powerful techniques we can use to train our brains to be happier. In this video, I'm going to share 7 proven...

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What Are PTSD Symptoms in Women?

What Are PTSD Symptoms in Women?

Women are more likely to experience high-impact trauma such as sexual assault, abuse, bullying, harassment, and violence.
– Traumatic events like sexual violence, physical assault, accidents, natural disasters, traumatic childbirth, and loss of a loved one can trigger PTSD in women.

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How to Cure PTSD Four Times in 5 Hours with Memory Reconsolidation Therapy

How to Cure PTSD Four Times in 5 Hours with Memory Reconsolidation Therapy

The client presented in this case study illustrated successful PTSD treatment using a novel, brief intervention requiring fewer than 5 hours of treatment. Using diagnostic criteria for Military trauma (PCL-M ≥ 50) his intake score was 73 and no longer met criteria for PTSD diagnosis following RTM. These gains were maintained, as reported above, at one-year posttreatment.

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Mind Control and Weaponizing Psychology During Covid

Mind Control and Weaponizing Psychology During Covid

Jason Christoff is a mind control expert and he has given a talk about the weaponization of psychology for mind control duing the Covid operations.   Here are highlights of the talk. - đŸ’¡ Confusion is a powerful tool in mind control, as it makes individuals...

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What to Expect When Quitting Marijuana

What to Expect When Quitting Marijuana

When quitting marijuana, individuals may experience withdrawal symptoms as their body adjusts to the absence of the drug. These symptoms typically develop within 24-72 hours after quitting cold turkey and peak in intensity around...

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How PTSD Can Impact Women

How PTSD Can Impact Women

The greatest beneficial results for women with PTSD is from a study on military women that had experienced PTSD from battle and military sexual trauma. What worked for them is a non-drug intervention that is effective by using a mental training strategy that focuses on erasing the emotional content of the memory. The conclusion of that study had impressive results – ‘RTM (Reconsolidation of Traumatic Memories) eliminated intrusive symptoms and significantly decreased symptom scale ratings in 90%’.

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7 Strategies To Improve Focus, Increase Concentration, and Enhance Attention.

7 Strategies To Improve Focus, Increase Concentration, and Enhance Attention.

Being able to maintain focus is a valuable skill but the challenge is that technology is extraordinarily powerful at getting our attention. With all the notifications and new interesting information constantly being fire-hosed into our consciousness, it can be a challenge to do work of any value. Fortunately, focus can be improved with these 7 strategies.

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Unlocking Your Mind’s Potential: Improving Concentration and Focus with Hypnosis

Unlocking Your Mind’s Potential: Improving Concentration and Focus with Hypnosis

Improving concentration and focus with hypnosis is a powerful and accessible method for anyone seeking to enhance their productivity and mental clarity. By harnessing the potential of your subconscious mind and using positive suggestions, you can break free from distractions and sharpen your focus, ultimately leading to greater success in your personal and professional life.

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What is an Enneagram?

What is an Enneagram?

The Enneagram is a system of personality that describes people in terms of nine personality types, each with its own core motivations, fears, and internal dynamics. It is a model of the human psyche understood as a typology of nine interconnected personality types....

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What is the Best Career for Ennegram 2?

What is the Best Career for Ennegram 2?

Enneagram Type 2s tend to be well-suited for careers that allow them to use their interpersonal skills, compassion, and desire to make a positive impact. Here are some career paths that might be suitable for an Enneagram Type 2:

1. Social worker: Type 2s may enjoy careers in social work, where they can use their empathy and interpersonal skills to support individuals and families in need.

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Worst Valentines Day Ever?

Worst Valentines Day Ever?

On Valentine's Day in 1884, Theodore Roosevelt experienced a tragic and devastating event. On that day, just 36 hours after the birth of their only daughter, Alice, Roosevelt's mother, Mittie, passed away from typhoid fever. To compound the tragedy, on the same day,...

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What’s the Best Way to Write a Breakup Letter?

What’s the Best Way to Write a Breakup Letter?

Remember that a breakup letter should be a last resort and that face-to-face communication is usually the best approach. If safety is a concern or if face-to-face communication is not possible, a well-crafted letter can provide the necessary closure.

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Changing Your Mind for Good

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