Life can be hard. Â It has it's ups and downs. Â It certainly has it's downs. Â And that's not necessarily a bad thing. Â Some of the greatest creations in history came as a result of tremendous 'failure'.
Friedrich Nietzsche has a famous quote about that. "What doesn't kill me, makes me stronger."
And Winston Churchill said that "Success consists of going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm."
So when life throws you lemons, it's not just about making lemonade but also recognizing that lemonade cannot be made without lemons.
Dr. Stephen Joseph is the author of "What Doesn't Kill Us :Â The New Psychology of Post Traumatic Growth" and in it he talks of hundreds of cases of people who were able to respond to adversity in ways that empowered them.
In his studies he mentions the 6 signposts of Post Traumatic Growth. You can watch for those in the video below.  What I also like about the book is the challenge that some people have when confronted with change.  'Decades of research have shown that, when confronted by change, many people struggle to cope. They become distressed and have difficulties functioning at home, at work and in their relationships.'
And at the core of this, the central message of the book is this 'the road to post traumatic growth may be paved with emotional pain, most people manage to adapt quite well over time and many go on to experience considerable benefits in terms of what they learn about themselves, how they related to other people, and what life means to them.' pg 140 -What Doesn't Kill Us.
How many more can learn what else is possible?
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